Academy Values & Aims
“Success for All”
We aim for each child to develop:
- A love of learning.
- Working habits, attitudes and a set of values, which last for life.
- Strengths in the key basic skills of speech, reading, writing and numeracy.
- Tolerance, respect and understanding for others.
- The ability to make informed choices.
- Mental and physical fitness, agility and health.
We aim for all to:
- Develop their potential as a person.
- Be able to live and work as an individual and as part of a team.
- Achieve high standards.
We are committed to meet these aims by providing:
- A safe, caring community where learning thrives and pastoral needs are met.
- High quality education advanced by Information Technonology.
- A broad and balanced curriculum to challenge all.
- Discipline that is firm, fair and consistent.
And by ensuring that we:
- Encourage honesty, respect and trust.
- Have high expectations.
- Stimulate the desire and motivation for all to learn.
- Value all through praise and acknowledgement of effort and success.
- Develop good relationships between children, staff, parents and governors.
- Promote the academy as being at the heart of the community.
- Provide resources effectively and efficiently to benefit all.